Welcome To 
The Hormone Balance Association
Supporting Women To Achieve Optimal Hormone Health
Hi, I’m Laura, and for many years I have struggled with fatigue, mood swings and trouble sleeping.
I was regularly active and ate healthy, so why weren’t my energy levels and moods boosting naturally?
I was also experiencing incredible insomnia. It became a cycle of feeling absolutely exhausted, yet when my head hit the pillow at night I would lay there until the early hours of the morning unable to switch off and get some sleep.
I increased the time spent at the gym, hoping it would tire me out. It didn’t work.
I tried different calming techniques before bed time. These didn’t work.
My anxiety was through the roof. I seen my doctor, who prescribed various medications over a number of years.
These medications only worked a short time and I would be left feeling deflated, with the original problems still there.
Something had to give. I couldn’t live this way any longer.
One day, while speaking with a friend, she suggested I research Hormones. My friend told me about Angela and her book ‘Power of Hormones’ and how she had changed her life. So I did.
And thanks to Power of Hormones I am gaining control over my energy levels, moods, and sleep.
Scroll Down To Find Out More.

What Are The Reasons Why Balanced Hormones Matter?

#1 Improved Sleep Quality

Optimal hormone health ensures good quality sleep – falling asleep quickly at night, not waking during the night and waking up refreshed and full of energy in the morning.

#2 Supports Healthy Weight

The wrong balance of hormones can slow or speed up metabolism. Finding the perfect balance of hormones is important for ensuring a healthy weight.

#3 Boosted Mood & Reduced Anxiety

One of the more common symptoms of unbalanced hormones is a low mood and high anxiety. And it is not uncommon for a diagnosis of depression to be given if hormone levels are not checked. Healthy hormone balance = a happy mind, body and soul.

#4 Improved Brain Health

Optimal hormone health allows the brain to function quickly and efficiently without any foggy or fuzziness.

#5 Improved Relationships

An optimal level of hormones within the body is important for intimacy within relationships. Hormones play a critical role in stimulating desire and passion in relationships.

#6 Improved Skin, Hair & Nails

Healthy hormone levels ensure hair, nails and skin are in perfect condition – shiny, strong and blemish free.

About The Author

For those of you that were wondering who Ange actually is... here is her story about hormone imbalance.

Hi, I’m Ange…

…women’s health researcher, author, and former long-time sufferer of hormone imbalance issues. Just a few years ago, I was a different woman.

I was in my early thirties and had just had my third child. My daughter had finally started to sleep through the night, and I was so relieved because I thought that with a decent night's sleep I would start to feel more energetic.

But as time went on and my children didn't need me during the night, I realised I was still struggling with my energy levels.

I seemed to wake up exhausted and had to drag myself through the day, only to fall into bed at night and then be tortured with insomnia.

I knew that exercising every day was meant to naturally boost energy levels. So I walked and I walked, for miles every day.

But still, nothing changed. Not only was I exhausted, I was also disheartened that none of the walking seemed to be helping me to lose any 'baby weight'. In fact, I felt bigger than ever.

And the worst part about it all was the guilt I was feeling as a mother.

I had 3 small children who needed me… who wanted me to play and to give them cuddles in the middle of the night. But most of the time I just couldn't do it.

I was too tired, and seemed to spend the whole time they were awake waiting for the time they would go to bed.
Click Here for the Full Story

The Power of Hormones Women’s Health Package

A Step By Step Toolkit For Achieving Optimal Hormone Health

The Power of Hormones is a comprehensive women’s health package that aims to provide women with everything they need to balance their hormones and experience lasting relief from symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, problem skin, and reduced desire in intimacy.

It includes a 140+ page guide that leads women step-by-step through identifying symptoms of hormone imbalance, interpreting hormone test results, and creating their personalised treatment plan.

Taken from a holistic approach, users are guided to identify the right combination of medical and natural hormone treatments that will work best for their body and achieve the results they are looking for.

The goal? To help every woman who is suffering from hormone imbalance to look and feel amazing again, by identifying and treating the root cause of her symptoms. 

The package also includes amazing bonus resources aimed to maximise results and target problem areas. Check out what’s included below.

Included In The Package:

The Power of Hormones: Your Guide to Optimal Hormone Health
The comprehensive hormone health guide that leads women step by step through identifying hormone imbalance symptoms and causes, interpreting hormone test results, and creating personalised treatment plans in order to achieve wellness.
The Power of Hormones Audiobook
A complete audio version of the book, so that users can listen to the program anywhere, any time, and on any device. I know how busy life can be!
The Power of Hormones Support Workbook
A helpful support workbook designed to maximise results. Readers can easily keep track of the health improvements and successes they experience as they progress through the program.
Eating For Hormone Health
Expert tips about how simple changes to diet can support better hormone health. Recipes included!
The Bloat Banishing Solution
Many women experience the uncomfortable hormone imbalance symptom of bloating. This book guides the reader to reduce bloating once and for all.
Double Your Energy
When hormones become unbalanced, this can take a huge toll on energy levels. This bonus book is all about how to get that energy back again.

Additional Features

Easy To Follow Steps For Diagnosis

Finding out which hormone (or hormones) need fine tuning can be really difficult. So The Power of Hormones book provides step-by-step instructions on how to recognize and diagnose hormone levels which are sub-optimal.

Broad Spectrum Treatment Options

There are so many options when it comes to hormone treatments. That’s why The Power of Hormones covers all options from synthetic medications to natural health.

Results Tracking

The inclusion of a workbook allows readers to take their notes, reference ranges, questions and results with them when attending doctors appointments.

Lifestyle Tips

There is a common misconception that High Intensity Training is one of the best forms of exercise. While this might be true for some people for others this type of exercise can harm rather than help hormones. Find out which types of exercises are best suited to supporting hormones.

Diet Support

Our diet can affect our body in many ways. Science has shown that certain foods are better at supporting our hormones than others. And interestingly, too much of one food, even if it is healthy, can sometimes do more harm than good. Find out which kinds of foods support better hormone health.

Holistic Approach

Power of Hormones takes a very holistic approach when looking at hormone health. There is no one size fits all plan. Within the Power of Hormones the book will give readers unbiased information about all the options that are available for supporting hormone health.

Thyroid & Autoimmune Health

Inside The Power of Hormones is a comprehensive look at thyroid health and autoimmune disease. With autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s on the rise, there is a strong focus on the topic within the book.

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen and Testosterone are just two of many important hormones that, once balanced, can have a significantly positive effect on wellbeing.

Adrenal Health

Learn how to support adrenal glands to increase energy and reduce fatigue.

Menopause Support

Menopause is a time when the body goes through significant hormone changes, bringing a range of symptoms which can affect day to day functioning. The Power of Hormones offers readers support and guidance throughout this transitional period, with a strong focus on easing symptoms as much as possible.

Sleep Restoration Strategies

From my personal experience with hormone-related sleep problems, I know just how life-changing it can be to get a good night’s sleep. Readers are guided to identify hormone imbalances which may be affecting sleep quality, and given strategies for restoring healthy sleep.

Ongoing Guidance Through Hormone Changes

As we age, our hormonal needs change. This program is designed to provide readers with ongoing hormone support, so that as women experience physiological changes they are able to continue to achieve optimal hormone balance.

Skin & Hair Restoration Tips

Tips for restoring skin and hair while obtaining optimal hormone health.

Emotional Wellbeing & Empowerment

The Power of Hormones focuses on the importance of emotional wellbeing, and aims to empower women to achieve wellness in every aspect of their lives.

Thought Clarity & Focus

Optimal hormone balancing helps to support brain function, enabling women to regain thought clarity and focus.

The Power of Hormones Package

Digital Package


  • The Power of Hormones eBook
  • The Power of Hormones Workbook
  • The Bloat Banishing Solution Minibook
  • Double Your Energy Minibook
  • Eating For Hormone Health
  • The Power of Hormones Audiobook
If you were to purchase this package from our shop you would have to pay $79.95! But if you purchase our Digital Package today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price, as my way of saying ‘Thank You’ for saying YES to The Power of Hormones today... You can get The POH Digital Package for my super special discount price of just $79.95 $39.95!
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Physical & Digital Package

Physical Version + Online Access

+ shipping & handling
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Workbook
  • The Bloat Banishing Solution Physical Minibook
  • Double Your Energy Physical Minibook
  • Eating For Hormone Health Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Audio CD
  • + Instant digital access to all products
  • + All the digital bonuses
If you were to purchase this package from our shop you would have to pay $249! But if you purchase our Digital & Physical Package today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price, as my way of saying ‘Thank You ’for saying YES to The Power of Hormones today... You can get The POH Digital & Physical Package for my super special discount price of just $249.00 $99.95!
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Physical Package


+ shipping & handling
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Workbook
  • The Bloat Banishing Solution Physical Minibook
  • Double Your Energy Physical Minibook
  • Eating For Hormone Health Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Audio CD
If you were to purchase this package from our shop you would have to pay $199.95! But if you purchase our Physical Package today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price, as my way of saying ‘Thank You’ for saying YES to The Power of Hormones today... You can get The POH Physical Package for my super special discount price of just $199.95 $99.95!
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Here’s What Other Women Are Saying About The Power of Hormones

…For someone with minimal knowledge about hormones, reading “The Power of Hormones” feels like going through an excellent summary of hundreds of books on the topic. You could sit in a library for days trying to digest the info by yourself, or you can take an hour or two to read Angela’s book. It’s an easy read, with plenty of lists and tables to refer to, focusing exactly on what you need to know. It’s an easy decision, and if you’ve been living with hormone imbalances, one that might just change your life!
Sandra T Roxton
…Particularly poignant for me, was the chapter addressing our adrenal glands. Having experienced almost all the symptoms of adrenal hormone insufficiency and having long struggled with not being able to identify why I was so often feeling burnt out, irrational, faint and dizzy, it was a relief to read that there is an explanation, and with an explanation, a course of treatment. Ultimately, Angela instils in you the confidence to know that you can bring your body back into balance and health by harnessing the power of hormones.
Jessica Collinge
During the course of your pregnancy you hear many things about how your body will “change” after child birth and sure I had heard some people say how your hormones will be out of whack but I didn’t believe how crazy it could get until I delivered my first child. When she was just a few months old I was suddenly breaking out in hives head to toe, I was allergic to things I had never been allergic to before AND my weight loss was out of control! Doctors sent me around from Dermatologist, to Allergy specialist even to a Psychologist! Nothing was changing until a girlfriend of mine with Endometriosis lent me your book! Once I started learning about hormones and functions I knew exactly what my issue was and managed with your help to get it under control! I’ve honestly never been so grateful for an eBook in my whole life! Thank you so much!
Tosh Wood
I suffer from a hormonal disorder known as PCOS and I am interested in understanding how to help reduce the symptoms and manage my condition better. I am also a nutritionist and this book will help me gain more information with regards to hormonal disorders and their treatment.

I would say that this book should be read by everyone whether or not they suffer from any hormonal disorder. I believe that everyone should be aware of the basics of the hormonal processes in our body and what can go wrong. There are high chances that at least once in everyone's life some sort of hormonal disturbance occurs and with this book everyone can grasp the basics of hormones and look for treatments should any problems arise.
Shahzeen Siddiqui

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

I want buyers to feel completely confident purchasing their copy of The Power of Hormones today, which is why my program comes with a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee!

I encourage buyers to simply place a order, download my course and all of the bonuses, and test out my personalised hormone-balancing solutions.

And if at ANY time during the next 60 days members don’t feel 100% happy with their purchase, simply contact our customer support team or Clickbank, and we will refund the customer just a soon as the banks can process it. It really is that simple.

The Power of Hormones Package

Digital Package


  • The Power of Hormones eBook
  • The Power of Hormones Workbook
  • The Bloat Banishing Solution Minibook
  • Double Your Energy Minibook
  • Eating For Hormone Health
  • The Power of Hormones Audiobook
If you were to purchase this package from our shop you would have to pay $79.95! But if you purchase our Digital Package today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price, as my way of saying ‘Thank You’ for saying YES to The Power of Hormones today... You can get The POH Digital Package for my super special discount price of just $79.95 $39.95!
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Physical & Digital Package

Physical Version + Online Access

+ shipping & handling
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Workbook
  • The Bloat Banishing Solution Physical Minibook
  • Double Your Energy Physical Minibook
  • Eating For Hormone Health Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Audio CD
  • + Instant digital access to all products
  • + All the digital bonuses
If you were to purchase this package from our shop you would have to pay $249! But if you purchase our Digital & Physical Package today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price, as my way of saying ‘Thank You ’for saying YES to The Power of Hormones today... You can get The POH Digital & Physical Package for my super special discount price of just $249.00 $99.95!
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Physical Package


+ shipping & handling
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Physical Workbook
  • The Bloat Banishing Solution Physical Minibook
  • Double Your Energy Physical Minibook
  • Eating For Hormone Health Physical Book
  • The Power of Hormones Audio CD
If you were to purchase this package from our shop you would have to pay $199.95! But if you purchase our Physical Package today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price, as my way of saying ‘Thank You’ for saying YES to The Power of Hormones today... You can get The POH Physical Package for my super special discount price of just $199.95 $99.95!
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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, one of the key things readers need to know is what to ask for in regards to hormone testing. But what’s even more important is being able to interpret test results. I’ve made sure that this is completely covered within the Power of Hormones program.

Some people feel (and see) results almost instantly, but it really depends on individual needs and the complexities of each person's particular hormone imbalance. Most members have reported that they have seen significant positive changes in their body and mood within a month or two.

We accept returns within 60 days of placing an order. All returns need to be sent to Power of Hormones c/o Vervante Returns, 400 North Geneva Road, STE C, Lindon, UT 84042.

All orders will be dispatched in 3-5 working days. The physical package will be sent with USPS and can take up to 21 days and we will send a shipping notification once the parcel has been dispatched which will contain the tracking information.

For all US orders the shipping and handling costs are $8.25, for all Canadian order $14 and international orders $25.

Look No Further. Get Started Today!

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